Thanksgiving Leftovers – Take 3


For those that know me and my eating habits, you should know of my hulk like sweet tooth.  Yes, I am well aware that this is easily my most unhealthy blog post, and yes, I realize how many calories are in this.  But do you realize how f***** delicious this is?

To give a small background… my good friend Julian, who shares a similar sweet tooth to mine, used to like to walk by Good Stuff Eatery on Capitol Hill and poke his head in “Let’s just see what the seasonal shake is today,” he would say.  I am pretty sure he had already googled it or saw it on twitter, but nonetheless, I obliged and would poke my head in.  While I have never seen it or tried it, I will never forget when he told me:

“Oh Man!  Spence you gotta try the November milkshake right around Thanksgiving… They take a vanilla shake and drop an entire slice of pumpkin pie into the blender!!  An entire piece Spence!”

I had to pick up my jaw off the ground.  It made so much sense, slurping small bits of crust through your straw filled with a vanilla-pumpkin blended shake.  I had to try.



1 slice of pumpkin pie
4-6 oz whole milk
2-3 scoops vanilla ice cream
Fresh Nutmeg


1) Combine all ingredients except for nutmeg in blender.


2) Blend until you find the right consistancy.  You may need to add more ice cream to thicken, or more milk to liquidize.

3) Grade fresh nutmeg on top of poured glass, it does not take much.

4) Enjoy


There is a reason I used to fit in the suit pictured above.  I love milkshakes!  Enjoy a taste, but don’t have too much!


  1. You look totally amazing!!!! You father would be so proud of you😀. What’s your secret??? I’d luv to be on your mailing list. Congratulations!!! Happy 2015!


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