
Savory Oatmeal


Savory Oatmeal

One of the most endearing parts about living with three women is helping them through their hangovers.  On several occasions, I would be in my room on a Sunday morning reading The Post when Jenna would open my door with a big groan and flop into my bed with a big sigh.  “Speeeencerr!!  I am hungover!”  I would burst out into laughter, but not too loud to hurt her piercing headache.  I would fold my paper and politely reply “Breakfast will be in twenty!”  Chances were she wasn’t the only hungover person in our house that needed some comfort food for the road to recovery. 


2 cups steel cut oats
4 cups water
4 eggs (1 per person)
1-2 bags of spinach
1-2 cloves garlic
1-2 cups swiss cheese (depends how cheesy you want it, or how hungover you are)
Salt and Pepper to flavor


1) Bring water and oats to a boil in a medium pot.  Stir occasionally. 

2) In a medium sauce pan, coat the bottom with olive oil and bring to medium-high heat.  Add  garlic, sliced or minced.  Sautée until garlic just starts to brown and add spinach.  Try and put a cover over it to allow the steam to cook the spinach.  Once the spinach is thoroughly cooked, add all the contents to the pot with the oats.  

3) In a medium-high heat, crack eggs into a medium sauce pan coated with olive oil.  Cook until bubbles start to form in white areas and you can flip easily with spatula.  Remove egg thirty seconds after the flip to room temperature plate ensure the yolk doesn’t cook. 

4) One the oatmeal has developed the consistency you prefer in your oatmeal, add the cheese and stir thoroughly.  Scoop into individual bowls, and add eggs.  I like spice, whenever I can get it, so I treat my bowl to a tablespoon of Cava Harissa. 

5) Enjoy!